How to Increase Our Trust in Times of Desperation

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A text popped up on my phone the other night, “Jesus, I trust in you.” One of my bestie’s pics popped up with her name.

“Everything ok?” I texted back. The response was not surprising, that anxieties are mounting. Sometimes, all we can do is muster a short act of faith like one prayer St. Faustina was given by Jesus, “Jesus, I trust in you.”

We are doing our best to hold on to hope these days while the news reports set our teeth on edge. The reality of such a change in our daily lives and the amount of people we see suffering from illness or job loss is shocking. We sit home feeling helpless, to do our part to avoid the spread of this virus, aptly named after the crown-shape it resembles. No mistake, my friend Susan, on her blog, Veil of Veronica , refers to the crowning of thorns that tortured our Lord during his passion. Corona…crown.

Susan’s cousin Eileen posted this on Facebook page. Her parish of St Andrew in Silver Spring, MD, had Eucharistic Adoration in the parking lot where families stayed and worshiped from their vehicles. Susan and Eileen pointed out the shadow of the Monstrance on the wall looks like the Corona Virus with a cross on top. A sign of hope? Posted with permission.

A Litany of Trust

The great hearth in the main room of the retreat center roared as one of the beautiful Nashville Dominican sisters put on more logs and poked at the embers. Even though I was on retreat this past January, I was a co-facilitator, so I wasn’t officially in silence. I was busy managing some small practical detail intently, so I barely noticed when a person quietly passed by and gently placed something before me. After pulling myself from my Walter-Mitty moment, I examined the little card. It was something called “The Litany of Trust.” I looked around for who had left this little prayer before me but everyone in my vision was in a comfy chair by the fire or overlooking the quiet wooded hills, deep in meditation with the last points from the previous talk. I tucked the prayer card into my notebook and went back to business.

The Virtue Card Tradition

The last day of the retreat, we concluded with our tradition of handing out the virtue cards for the year. One of our favorite moments of the retreat, we are randomly “assigned” a saint with special virtue for the year on which to focus, as Father blessed the cards in a basket and jokes that the Holy Spirit makes sure we get the one we need. The Dominican sisters who have been our amazing hostesses for the past five years ask us politely for any “leftover” cards as it had become one of their favorite moments as well. The cards were blessed and I distributed them. Not looking as I passed them out, the Holy Spirit takes over who gets what and everyone gives an ironic laugh at which virtue they are assigned for the year as in, “Ha. Of course this is what I got.” (Don’t need to go into God speaking to our hearts of where we can grow on this point.)

This year’s batch of cards. I snapped a pic of them all on my washer before packing them up for the retreat.

Mercy, my card was entitled with Saint Faustina Kowalska. She would be my new spiritual companion for the year. Not surprisingly, I have her diary next to my bed at home and had been reading excerpts to increase my hope throughout January as the darkest days of winter seemed to be looming ahead (I had no idea.) With the same ironic chuckle, I tucked this card next to the “Litany of Trust” card I had received earlier and packed up for home.

Placing the Litany of Trust on my bedside at home, I didn’t realize how vital this prayer would become over the next six weeks as the pandemic broke. Putting my St Faustina/Virtue card of MERCY on my little home altar, I went to pray one evening last week with the Litany. As I started to pray the Litany, I was startled by the line underneath the title “Litany of Trust”.

“Written by Sister Faustina Maria Pia, Sister of Life. The sister who wrote this litany was also inspired by my new friend, Saint Faustina.

That’s not all. Check out this video a friend sent me today. There is a prayer card from 1944 which just turned up with the Divine Mercy Chaplet which said “The Corona of Mercy” prayer card. The Crown of Mercy. Check it out. (Thanks to Padre Pio group Nashville for bringing this to our attention).

The graces of My mercy are drawn by means of one vessel only, and that is — trust. The more a soul trusts, the more it will receive (1578). –St Faustina’s Diary, Jesus to Saint Faustina


Every time I hear the word “CoronaVirus” I will pray “Jesus, I trust in you. Increase my trust.”

I took this from a beach near Sarasota just before pandemic.

For related reading check out:

7 responses to “How to Increase Our Trust in Times of Desperation”

  1. Valerie Cullers Avatar

    So, So good and so encouraging, Meg! God is still in control and we will learn a lot during this time…about ourselves, society and the grace of the good Lord! Stay well, my friend! ❤❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. megbski Avatar

      You too sweet Val! And your post “Really?” Broke my heart! I agree. Not ok.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Valerie Cullers Avatar

        Yes, not okay for sure! Best wishes to you and your family! ❤❤❤


  2. Valerie Cullers Avatar

    I read this again today after your comment and it seems more relevant than it did a few weeks ago! How we must trust in Him each day and keep our focus there when fear rises up! So love you Meg! Blessings to you and yours! ❤❤❤❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. megbski Avatar

      Aw thanks Val! Yes I said to my son the other day it may be like times before WWII when people thought it was hard to ration or lose a job and it was just the beginning. We don’t know where things will lead but we know the harder it gets, we will look back and see all of the places where God entered into our lives and graced us with blessings. Love you much and Christ’s peace and protection be with your family this Holy Week!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Valerie Cullers Avatar

        So appreciate your thoughts, Meg! You are one in a million and I appreciate you!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. megbski Avatar

        I appreciate you too Val!

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